Re: Syntax vs Semantics vs XML Schema vs RDF Schema vs QNames vs URIs (was RE: Using urn:publicid: for namespaces)

[David Allsopp ]

> "Thomas B. Passin" wrote:
> >

> > Now if John did indeed have two fathers after all, the situation would
> > more complex, because on merging the two data sources, our processor
> > have to convert the hasFather statements into some kind of a container,
> Why? Why not just have two hasFather properties?
Only because I was thinking about triples in a relational database table
right after my post about that, and you couldn't have two different rows
with the same primary key.  It's not the only way to do it, of course.  I
suppose, sticking with a relational table for a minute, that you could make
the entire row the primary key.  Then you could get multiple property values
for the same subject.


Tom P

Received on Tuesday, 21 August 2001 09:18:32 UTC