Re: namespace as resource

> an example of the potential problem:
> <> dc:creator "devon" .
> <> dc:creator "mike" .
> i created the namespace. mike created the page.

How about:-

   <> dc:creator [ :name "devon" ] .
   <> util:represCreator [ :name "mike" ] .
        rdfs:comment "the creator of some information defining the
resource" .

Note that I am of the opinion that literals cannot edit pages, BTW :-)

I nicked the util:represCreator idea from TimBL's "page creator has the
unique email address..." property in one of the DesignIssues. The property
should be further defined to state that it always applies to the
representation of a Web resource that is gathered from dereferencng it.

I think that to state someone has written a page, you need to include the
fact that the resource you are describing is the representation of that
resource (and therefore have to create a totally new resource, something
that is done implicitly above), and also a date for which that statement is
true. To say that "mike" created the resource given by is a
bit odd if someone then comes along and creates a new page.

{ { :x util:represCreator :y }
{ [ :resourceFrom :x; dc:creator :y ] } }
log:forAll :x , :y .

The flaw in that property is that it does not include a date (i.e. always
assumed to be true).

Kindest Regards,
Sean B. Palmer
@prefix : <> .
:Sean :hasHomepage <> .

Received on Friday, 17 August 2001 18:51:12 UTC