Re: Angels

On Thu, 16 Aug 2001, Neil Smith wrote:

> Reading some of the more esoteric threads on RDF brings to mind the medieval
> disputations about how many Angels could stand on the head of a pin.
> Can we not get the product established in real world applications, and then tidy
> it up later?

The nice thing now is that we have a W3C working group, RDF Core, looking
at the angels and pins situation.

While the bugs in the spec do need fixing, and soon, you're right to
suggest that the RDF Interest Group lists could be used for more
interesting topics, like applications.

Folk with a concern for details of the specs should take care to writeup
their concerns, with explicit test cases wherever possible, and send a
message to W3C's RDF spec feedback list,

Do take a look at the RDF Core WG pages too, for links to the issue list, test cases,
recent decisions of the WG etc.



Received on Thursday, 16 August 2001 11:43:47 UTC