Re: Using urn:publicid: for namespaces

> > [...] 2) is, of course, just a variant of 1).
> This is far from obvious to me.  In fact, I believe that a name
> and a definition are fundamentally different and that this
> convention is well established in logic and mathematics.

What I mean is that all resources can be modelled and thought of as
concepts. For example, a homepage as a resource has a URI... that URI
can have a URI (data:,...), the representation of that resource on a
certain date can have a URI, me talking about the representation of
that resource on a certain data can have a URI can have a URI.
Anything that can be identified can have a URI. Any definition of
something that is being identified can also have a URI.

> What happens if the schema is replicated on two different
> servers (and can therefore be accessed via two URLs) -
> do the concepts defined in the schema now have two names?

The names in the schema will often be independant of the storage
location of the schema. For example:-

   <> :label "myTerm" .

Now, store that anywhere you like: the URI that is being defined isn't
going to change. A concept does not change just because you change the
location of its definition.


Kindest Regards,
Sean B. Palmer
@prefix : <> .
:Sean :hasHomepage <> .

Received on Monday, 13 August 2001 19:49:32 UTC