Re: Container in RDF Schema

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 Message-ID: <>
 Old-Date: Sun, 5 Aug 2001 13:11:19 -0700 (PDT)
 From: "François" Leygues <>

Aaron Swartz wrote:
> On Friday, July 27, 2001, at 05:46  AM, Andrei S.
Lopatenko wrote:
> > But how to say that it is a Bag of person-project?
> This is a known issue:

A) Yes it is but now things have been vastly improved.
It is now possible to
use rdf:li with any resource, which allows containers
to be subclassed (BRAVO!!!)

This recent decision
is already implemented in the new RDF parser from HP

B) However, there is no generally accepted way to
cleanly constrain containers. 
I have already suggested to use a "metaclass" based
solution, which 
could be described by : 
   * a class ConstrainedContainer
   * a property containerConstraint

@prefix : <#>.

:ConstrainedContainer a rdfs:Class; 
	rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:Class. 
:containerConstraint a rdf:Property; 
	rdfs:domain :ConstrainedContainer;
	rdfs:range rdfs:Class.

Let's define a constrained container :

:LiteralSeq a :ConstrainedContainer;
	rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:Seq;
	:containerConstraint rdfs:Literal

Lets use it: 

:MySeq a :LiteralSeq;
	rdf:li "this";
	rdf:li "is";
	rdf:li "a sequence".

Why not define cardinality constraints ? 

We could add additional properties :
@prefix xsd: <>

(containerCardinality containerMaxCardinality
containerMinCardinality )
	a rdf:Property;
	rdfs:domain :ConstrainedContainer;
	rds:range xsd:nonNegativeInteger.
:LiteralSeq would be protected agains emptyness by : 

:LiteralSeq :containerMinCardinality 1.

C) This approach is similar to DAML: 

@prefix daml: <>
@prefix xsd: <>

daml:Class a rdfs:Class; 
	rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:Class

Which is precisely a metaclass...

daml:Restriction a rdfs:Class;
	rdfs:subClassOf daml:Class.

which is another metaclass, and  with: 

onProperty a rdf:Property; 
	rdfs:domain daml:Restriction;
	rdfs:range rdf:Property. 

it is possible to define a whole set of cardinality
constraints :

daml:cardinality a rdf:Property; 
	rdfs:domain daml:Restriction;
	rdfs:range xsd:nonNegativeInteger.

daml:maxCardinality a rdf:Property; 
	rdfs:domain daml:Restriction;
	rdfs:range xsd:nonNegativeInteger.

daml:minCardinality a rdf:Property; 
	rdfs:domain daml:Restriction;
	rdfs:range xsd:nonNegativeInteger.

This is used in a rather complex way: 

:Person a daml:Class ; 
	rdfs:subClassOf [ 
		a daml:Restriction; 
		daml:cardinality "1";
		daml:onProperty ":hasFather";

:hasFather a rdf:Property ; 
	rdfs:domain :Person;
	rdfs:range :Person.
This express a nice, but complex, restriction in the
usage of a property WHEN it is used on a given class. 

Note that the cardinality constraints in daml applies
only to specific properties, not on containers... 
Of course, there are the daml collections but...  

D) there is a suggestion (
) to kill the container notion. I dont like it,
because it changes RDF too much... 

E) In conclusion, several queries : 

1) what is the exact status of DAML according to RDF
Schema ? 
-should we adopt daml and use it , including the
daml:collection parseType? 
-is it reasonable or foolish  to reinvent other
conventions ? 
-are RDF containers deprecated ? 

2) Why not completing RDF Schema with the minimum
necessary to :
- constrain containers member types? 
- constrain containers cardinalities ? 

3) Please, continue to save RDF containers ! 


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Received on Friday, 10 August 2001 09:45:36 UTC