aboutEachPrefix: possible alternative


I'm a member of the P3P working group. As you may know, we have a
requirement to apply metadata to a broad selection of resources, often from
a central location (The "well-known location").

This isn't an uncommon requirement; it's evidenced in several
currently-deployed systems, and is of particular interest in web caching
and content delivery networks (of which Akamai is an example).

aboutEachPrefix, as discussed here previously, isn't a good solution for
these tasks. However, it _seems_ that this is still a good space for RDF to
be used in.

At Akamai, I've spent a fair amount of time designing formats which allow
our customers to apply metadata based on the URI namespace. We've gone
through several iterations, and it has become apparent that this problem is
not unique to us, and the various applications that face this problem could
benefit from a common solution.

To this end, I've prepared a document that describes the problem and offers
a straw-man solution. I'd very much like feedback as to whether this would
be a useful problem to solve in such a general way, and comments on this
particular proposal.

I'm especially interested to see what RDF people think about this; I'm
curious as to how well it fits with the philosophy of RDF as a whole.


Mark Nottingham, Research Scientist
Akamai Technologies (San Mateo, CA)

Received on Friday, 29 September 2000 19:00:52 UTC