Re: ANNOUNCE: RDF::Service v0.01

>     Wraf implements a RDF API that hopes to realize the Semantic
>     Web. The framework uses RDF for data, user interface, modules and
>     object methods. 
Very intersting.

I find the usage of RDF for object method and property representation
particularly intriguing. It can lead to the creation of an object model
with replaceable implementations of web services and property accessors.

I rambled a bit about this

The key point there is that an object model defined in RDF is extensible, and
also queryable. 
So Newer methods, or services can be added by web sites
to user's existing objects..and metadata can be combined across applications.
>It uses interfaces to other sources in order to
>     integrate all data in one enviroment, regardless of storage form.

Caching stored metadata obtained from the multiple sources will be needed
to have efficiency. Any thoughts on whether a generic RDF db like RDFDB or
some sort of object database which captures the model at a coarser granularity
than individual triples  is favorable?

Received on Thursday, 28 September 2000 14:06:28 UTC