Re: Typing of literals

This will put a type on a property, but what about literals in an RDF
stream?  I think I need something like this:

<f:Relation rdf:about="&f;testing">
    <s:subClassOf rdf:resource="&f;Enumeration"/>
    <f:ordinal xsi:type="&xsi;int">22</f:ordinal>

Whenver a literal is going to be constructed my reader can see if it has an
xsi:type attribute, and make sure the literal is constructed in the right

Does that make sense?

> The derived type is the value of a Property. You can subclass the type
> Literal to your desired type (perhaps specified only by a URI of your
> choosing)
> <rdfs:Class rdf:ID="yourClass">
>          <rdfs:subClassOf
> rdf:resource=""/>
> </rdfs:Class>
> <rdf:Property rdf:ID="your-name">
>     <rdfs:range rdf:resource="#yourClass"/>
> </rdf:Property>

Received on Thursday, 14 September 2000 11:38:39 UTC