edge-labelled graphs in XML (fwd)

Thanks to Robin Cover for this pointer; a slight tangent but worth
checking out...


---------- Forwarded message ----------
"Graph Exchange Language (GXL)"

"...GXL has also been designed in such a way that extensions
are feasible for handling further kinds of graphs, such as
hypergraphs and hierarchical graphs. GXL is a XML sublanguage.
The syntax of GXL is given by a XML Document Type Definition.
In the current (provisional) design, a gxl document consists
of XML elements for describing nodes, edges, attributes. GXL
documents can be attributed with a reference to an other GXL
document (schema) defining the graph schema and a flag
(identifiededges) indicating weather the represented graph
requries edges having their own identifiers (this is necessary
for graphs having multiple edges). The GXL Metaschema is
to reflect the GXL DTD; first attempts at a GXL Metaschema
were discussed at WoSEF 2000 in light of a draft proposal
("Components of Interchange Formats - Metaschemas and Typed
Graphs"). The structure of graphs exchanged by GXL streams is
given by a schema denoted as UML class diagrams which in
turn can be exchanged by graphs represented as GXL document..."

see also GRAX abstract in  

Received on Saturday, 9 September 2000 03:29:30 UTC