Re: yet another strawman, was Re: generic XML to RDF triple mappi ng

James Tauber wrote:

> So the mapping rule is (roughly)
> when you hit a
> rdf:Description[@about]/*[@rdf:resource]
> then add the triple
> ../@about , name() , @rdf:resource
> This looks a lot more like XSLT than anything else to me.
> I believe that most of the syntax of the RDF M&S could be expressed in
> similar fashion and FURTHERMORE that all the XML documents I have that are
> RDF-like but not quite (because they use ref instead of rdf:resource, for
> example) could be mapped to triples just as easily.

Isn't this the essence of the RDF simplications (Sergey Melnik & TimBL)?
Sergey proposes that any element that doesn't contain an "rdf:instance"
attribute becomes a Property.

Jonathan Borden
The Open Healthcare Group

Received on Friday, 8 September 2000 16:37:47 UTC