Notes on RDF, Xlink as linked information systems

So I'm cleaning out my halfbakery. Back in february when the topic of
XLink/RDF interoperability cropped up, I made some notes on 
kinds of application that might be facilitated by interoperability between
XLink and RDF (and HTML) linking. At the time this document also
contained a bunch of mapping oriented detail that Ron Daniel's more recent
work has obsoleted. I hope I've chopped out enough to remove any confusing
references to old XLink specs; hopefully there's enough left to be of

I was reminded to circulate this today as I've been working on an
rdf/html-linking demo based on harvesting HTML typed
links (next/prev/up etc), and ran into the problem of picking a URI for
the HTML4 link types. Both my doc (summarised below) and Ron Daniel Jr.'s
RDF/XLink mapping are linked from



       These are informal notes concerning the kinds of application that
       might be facilitated by interoperability between XLink and the
       Resource Description Framework (RDF). They represent only the
       author's view of these issues, and are made available as input to
       any RDF Interest Group discussions on this topic. 

       The purpose of this document is to provide a broad overview of some  
       areas in which HTML, XHTML, XLink and RDF linking
       systems might need to interoperate. It does not specify an RDF to 
       XLink mapping. For recent work in this area see the discussion
       documents section of the RDF Interest Group home page.

       This document explores the representation of typed links using
       examples such as those enumerated in the HTML specifications.
       While simple HTML links are semantically uninformative (ie. all
       we're told is that these two things are connected in some way), the
       XML Linking Language raises the prospect of a Web built from more
       informative relationships. By mining the Web for
       Xlink-described relationships it should be possible to build RDF
       models that aggregate linking information from multiple sources. To
       achieve this we need to map from Xlink constructs to the RDF data   
       model. This document serves to motivate (rather than specify)
       such a mapping, through articulating a scenario in which various
       kinds of linking information might usefully be aggregated.

Received on Friday, 8 September 2000 15:43:16 UTC