Announce: An RDF Language - SubADL

I'd like to announce the formation of a new RDF element set: SubADL. SubADL
is a small group of elements (i.e. RDF langauge) for asserting how a
document conforms to a certain set of guidelines.
The RDF Schema, Namespace, and main specification is at
The only example I know of is at
This is a brief overview of the elements:-

  <dc:title>Guideline Name</dc:title>
  <rdfs:comment>Specifies the name of the target guidelines.</rdfs:comment>
  <dc:title>Guideline Version</dc:title>
  <rdfs:comment>Specifies the version of the target
  <dc:title>Guideline URI</dc:title>
  <rdfs:comment>Specifies the location of the target
  <dc:title>Assertion Level</dc:title>
  <rdfs:comment>Specifies the level to which the document conforms to the
target guidelines.</rdfs:comment>
  <dc:title>Prose Assertion Level</dc:title>
  <rdfs:comment>Prose assertion of the level to which the document conforms
to the target guidelines.</rdfs:comment>
  <dc:title>Prose Comment</dc:title>
  <rdfs:comment>A further prose comment.</rdfs:comment>

This is an independant effort, based on the requirements of William
Loughborough for an accessibility assertion for his site, but it can be used
for many possible application that require assertions of conformance to a
set of guidelines.

Kindest Regards,
Sean B. Palmer
"Perhaps, but let's not get bogged down in semantics."
   - Homer J. Simpson, BABF07.

Received on Saturday, 25 November 2000 16:49:41 UTC