Re: How?

> Here: the XHTML site at was written
> by the "who" with the address of on the "when" of
> 7 November 2000. The author claims Triple-A Conformance to
> WCAG 1.0 and the site is intended to provide a tabular means of
> accessing the WAI/WCAG Guidelines. Now what do I do
> *SPECIFICALLY* to include that in the file in a form that can be
> located by any known RDF "parser" or whatever and maintain the
> validation of the site by the W3C validators (XHTML and CSS)?

I suppose you mean *now* (i.e. XHTML 1.0). I quote HTML 4.01 (which is
basically the same as XHTML 1.0):-

[for profile] "This attribute specifies the location of one or more meta
data profiles, separated by white space. For future extensions, user agents
should consider the value to be a list even though this specification only
considers the first URI to be significant." - HTML 4.01, Dave Raggett et

I suggest you use/abuse the afforementioned attribute to link to an RDF
profile, as per the W3C homepage. In other words change the head element

     <head profile="rdfprofile.xml">

Where rdfprofile.xml is an RDF XML Profile in the same directory. An example
of the RDF profile you could use (in other words, save this to is:-

<RDF xmlns:dc=""
xmlns="" >
<description about=""
     dc:title="Checkpoint Checker"
     dc:description="W3C WAI WCAG 1.0 Checkpoint Checker.
        A site intended to provide a tabular means of accessing the
        WAI/WCAG Guidelines"
     dc:date="7th November 2000">
<guidelines name="W3C WAI WCAG" version="1.0"
<proselevel>Triple A</proselevel>

Don't bother writing an RDF Schema for it yet, but I might hack one up for
you in the future if you actually want to run some kind of SW processor on
As you know, when m12n comes out, this should be easier to fix, validation
wise. Also, you could argue that the profile attribute isn't meant for this
and an RDF processor wouldn't realise what it's for, but then that's down to
the HTML WG to make a Schema of some description for it...

> how about the other 99.3% of the potential
> authors of Webstuff?

Semantic Web processing tools! But give it time, it's going to take an
absolute genius group of people to write them.

> If it becomes an inherent part of authoring to include some "what"
> type information it might lead to a more accessible,
> machine-searchable, dare I say it - a "Semantic" Web.

That's the whole point (as you well know).  It doesn't need to be a subtle
point: let's get people off of their collective behinds and start:-
a. Adding more metadata to files
b. Create an SW infrastructure
c. Create automatic SW processing tools.
Of course, a lot of people (ourselves included) *are* doing something, but
it needs more people to join in! Maybe I'm just being impatient, but when
did RDF go to recommendation again? Was it yesterday? Was it last month?
[sorry, overt spuriousness:] Of course, it *is* a hard concept to get
around; I'm probably not even 1% into fully understanding it yet, but I'm
constantly trying!
Long story short: go SW!

> my main reason for twitting the rdf-interest group

Excellent verb: "twitting"! (p.p. twitted, to twit). "transient verb: To
taunt, usually good-humouredly - from Old English". I'll be using that a lot
more in future...

Kindest Regards,
Sean B. Palmer
"Perhaps, but let's not get bogged down in semantics."
   - Homer J. Simpson, BABF07.

Received on Wednesday, 22 November 2000 16:14:23 UTC