Re: A triple is not unique.

"McBride, Brian" wrote:

> [Option 1]  A resource can have multuple URI's in which
> case the ability to assign multiple URI's to the same reified
> statement is no problem.

No, a resource cannot have multiple URIs and be the same resource within one
model.  That is our foundation.  But different resources can represent
(reify in the case of statements) the same entity (in the case of statements
the same triple).

> Option 2, resources can have only 1 URI, in which case there can be
> multiple resources which model an RDF statement, but they are all
> equivalent, as in DAML equivalentTo.

Yes, but they are not equivalent if there have different property elements
on them.

Seth Russell

Received on Tuesday, 21 November 2000 14:10:47 UTC