RE: RDF API convergence?

***PLEASE BEWARE with follow-ups, this is a cross-post***

> I haven't quite been able to wrap my head around how one would use an RDF
> model like the DMOZ dumps without loading it into memory or importing it
> into a database that you could query against. The question I have is this:
> Can an API be devised that abstracts away whether or not the model is loaded
> into memory or persisted in a database and still be useful to us as
> developers?

Ok, this is not exactly RDF, which probably needs a different API than
DOM's, but (part of Python's DOM et al.
implementation) is having a go at abtracting a DOM document whatever its
storage may be (memory, DB or flat file). The API they use is called 4ODS
and documentation is available at ODS
is an ODMG standard for persistent objects.

> I remember reading (but can't recall where) that the RDF model is actually
> extremely close to the relational model. The author pointed out that columns
> are like properties and field like objects where the primary key in each row
> was the subject. This obviously doesn't take into consideration repeated
> properties and a number of other issues but it did open my mind up to start
> thinking about storing a RDF in a more resource-centric manner. One of my
> goals for RDF.NET is to explore this approach and see where it ends up.

As for storing/querying big xml repositories, there is code to look at and
implementation ideas to borrow from at, and

Nicolas Chauvat - "Mais oł est donc Ornicar ?" - LOGILAB, Paris (France)

Received on Sunday, 12 November 2000 08:59:10 UTC