RDF in Open Directory project


     I`m quite newbie in RDF (and whole XML) technology, so I apologize
  if my question is stupid.
     I`m working on implementing Open Directory (www.dmoz.org) data
  into my application for performing searches through it. I`ve
  downloaded dumps in RDF format (at least, they name it so).
  But as I look at the data it seems that it doesn`t look like
  canonical RDF, there aren`t <rdf:Description> tags, instead the
  whole file consists of <Topic> and <ExternalPage> tags.

  Here`s sample:

<Topic r:id="Top/News">
  <tag catid="8"/>
  <link r:resource="http://www.bcity.com/bollettino"/>
  <link r:resource="http://news.bbc.co.uk"/>

<ExternalPage about="http://www.bcity.com/bollettino">
  <d:Title>International Bulletin</d:Title>
  <d:Description>International politics.  Italian, French and (some) English</d:Description>

<ExternalPage about="http://news.bbc.co.uk">
  <d:Title>BBC News</d:Title>
  <d:Description>International news from the British Broadcasting Corporation</d:Description>

        I`ve wrote some simple application that reads RDF data (I use David
  Meggenson`s DATAX library for parsing RDF data), but it doesn't
  recognize <Topic> and <ExternalPage> as an RDF entities.

        Please tell me, what I should do to recognize those tags
  as a valid RDF entities. If you can send me some working Java code,
  it would be wonderful.

  Sorry for my English, it`s not my native.


  Alexandr "Xenocid" Koloskov
  Software Developer

  E-Mail: xenocid@ru.ru

  11/7/2000 10:29 PM


Received on Tuesday, 7 November 2000 18:03:49 UTC