RE: RDF and XLink

(Hoping that everyone on these lists now has time (after conferences and 
meetings in Amsterdam) to comment on Ron's writeup...)

I have another question that I hope will spur discussion.  In discussing 
with Sergey and Stefan the fact that a single arc specification may create 
multiple arcs (when the same arc label value appears on multiple 
resources), I was warned:

"I'd recommend to be very careful with such things. RDF spec has a
similar construct "aboutEach" which has been the subject of controversy
and misunderstanding. The spec demands that the "batch" process of
assigning the given relationship with every member of the bag (or in
your case, every element with the same label) takes place during
parsing, i.e. is transparent to the applications. However, a similar
syntactic element "aboutEachPrefix" can only be expressed at the model
level, i.e. using special relationships with predefined meaning."

Having read through Ron's writeup, I don't think this really comes into 
play, since each *actual arc specified* (not merely each arc-type element) 
spins off its own set of RDF statements.  However, I would be grateful for 
feedback on whether this is a gray area/problem in XLink and its 
relationship to RDF.  Thanks--

Eve Maler                                    +1 781 442 3190
Sun Microsystems XML Technology Center    elm @

Received on Friday, 26 May 2000 11:31:13 UTC