RE: CC/PP, RDF and trust issues

:       <ccppX:assurance>Brian Says This</ccppX:assurance>
:           <ccppX:colours>2</ccppX:colours>
:       <ccppX:assurance>Graham Says This</ccppX:assurance>
:           <ccppX:colours>3</ccppX:colours>

:You'd need to figure out which to believe, but that seems doable.
:And this is just representation.  You still have to figure whether
:to  believe the representation.  It would be interesting to know 
:how you are proposing to do that.

Well, the thing is, they are not neccessarily in conflict at all. So, in
computer A, a device that has 2 colors might also have 3 colors (no
conflict). But in computer B, this device can have only one color value

I appreciate this is verging off-topic wrt to the thread, but I think it's
important to point out that we don't get "semantics for free" with RDF
interchange languages. In this case, being able to say anything about
anything isn't exactly a win.


Received on Wednesday, 3 May 2000 08:10:40 UTC