Re: Parsing of qualified 'about' attribute

>         Myth #4: Unprefixed attribute names are in XML namespaces

Ronald Bourret does an excellent job of debunking those that claim that the
way they handle namespaces, particularly with respect to unqualified
attribute names, conforms to the spec.  In other words, no one can claim to
conform to the spec, because the spec is so wishy-washy and non-committal
that multiple interpretations are valid.

Unfortunately, he does not answer the most important question: WHAT SHOULD
WE DO!?!?

I found that many of his assertions were based on assumptions which don't
apply to RDF.  For example, "Fortunately, the resolution of this myth [#4]
is unimportant, as it does not affect how documents that use XML namespaces
are written or how namespace-aware applications process unprefixed attribute
names."  Yeah, right!


Received on Tuesday, 2 May 2000 16:12:44 UTC