Re: Geographic Tags in HTML

Johan Hjelm wrote:
> Well, we did decide to try to come up with a unified data format based on
> GML (the OpenGIS language). 

Current version of GML is mildly cryptic - for each geometric object 
(point, line, box, polygon, ring etc) they give a list of comma and 
space separated floats but don't explicitly specify what each one means.  
Misses one of the points of "markup".  I'm bugging them to do more work 
on this.  But the semantics are clear and robust.  As always there are 
a variety of encodings for the underlying feature-model and the GML 
spec provides 3 distinct XML based ones (I have asked the question 
of them - what is GML??).  

Mind you, IMHO their version of RDF does not look much like what we 
are used to seeing - not a rdf:resource or even a rdf: in sight!  
(though possibly perfectly valid).  Again IMHO, I fear they are 
missing the point somewhat and using RDF merely as a schema language 
(because of the historical quirk that it was available before XML 
Schema), rather than because it makes the "semantics" publicly visible.  

Best		Simon Cox

Received on Monday, 1 May 2000 21:19:07 UTC