Re: M&S/Parser question

On Tue, 29 Aug 2000, Stefan Kokkelink wrote:
>how is the following XML/RDF expected to
>be parsed:
><?xml version="1.0"?>
><RDF xmlns=""
>     xmlns:DC="">
> <Bag ID="pages">
>   <li resource="" />
>   <li resource="" />
> </Bag>
> <Description about="URL1">
>   <DC:Prop>
>     <Description aboutEach="#pages">
>       <DC:Creator>Ora Lassila</DC:Creator>
>     </Description>
>   </DC:Prop>
>  </Description>
>What's the object/target of the DC:Prop property?
>SiRPAC and the pro-solutions parser create
>only one statement.
>       'online#URL1',
>       '-').
>(Whatever '-' means ;-)
>Is this correct? Im my opinion
>there should be the following
>two statements:

Throwing it at the SWI-Prolog parser suggests what you say:

'URL1'   each(pages)

(It does not expand bags into separate tripples, but rather returns
 a term each(BagId))

But looking at it, I wonder whether is correct.  Shouldn't it reify
the inlined description and generate a (URI, DC:Prop, <BagIdOfReified>)

I.e. if a description is the value of an attribute, reify the
description and make the value the reified bag?

	Regards --- Jan

Received on Tuesday, 29 August 2000 08:45:03 UTC