DC Records in RDF

Hi Everybody,

I'm working in a Digital Library Project in Brazil, and I proposed to use
the RDF representation, since RDF data model, can handle any kind of
information resource. But, here the digitalisation is on demand.
We have a lot of records in MARC, but I can convert then to RDF, using
Dublin Core. The questions are:

1. For the documents in paper, Can I just reference them by their URN:ISSN,
URN:ISBN?  Such as:

  <rdf:Description about="urn:issn:1762-3242">    --> I mean it here !!
     <dc:Title>The Journal of Dentistry <dc:Title>
     ... ....

2. When these information resources become available in Digital Format, Do
I have to change the reference to be a URL?, such as:

ut="http://brazilianjournals.org/issn/1762-3242/">    --> I mean it here !!
     <dc:Title>The Journal of Dentistry <dc:Title>
     ... ....

3. or Do I have to create another RDF record and using:

           <rdf:value resource="urn:issn:1762-3242"/>
        .... ...

4. I'm converting my records using the Crosswalk from Library of Congress
(http://lcweb.loc.gov/marc/dccross.html) and  Dublin Core qualifiers
approved recently. Is there anybody doing different ? What is the best way ?

I really thank you for any suggestions..

Thanks in advance.

Rondon de Andrade
Information System Manager..

Received on Tuesday, 29 August 2000 07:29:08 UTC