SV: Instant RDF

I have said it before but I will say it again.

Ora writes:

>But ultimately the syntax shouldn't
>matter all that much since I am sure everyone is hoping that most of RDF
>will be both read and *written* by machines (not humans).

I don't believe this is true.  HTML is also read my machines.  But if HTML
had been difficult to comprehend and not mnemonic it would not have started
a landslide.

XML is not either difficult to understand - at least not the 1.0 spec and it
will/is starting a landslide.

Languages and applications are subject to all the whims of the marketplace.
Engineers sometimes talk sadly about things getting betamaxed, meaning that
a superior technology was deploringly defeated  by marketing and other
trivialities,  but the betamax technology was just one part of a package and
that package was weaker then the VHS package and it lost out.

Machines may have no problem reading things that humans have trouble with
but they don't decide what protocols to use, humans do - at least for now:-)


Received on Friday, 25 August 2000 11:59:56 UTC