RE: Instant RDF

Jonathan Borden wrote:
>    or in simplified RDF:
>    <author rdf:about="">
>        <name>Aaron</name>
>    </author>
> so, really what an XSLT rdf 'extractor' would do is to simply
> transform the "uri" element into an "rdf:about" attribute.

Are you inventing new syntax here as well? If you meant that the XSLT
"extractor" would generate legal (i.e., current) RDF syntax your example
does not work: it translates to two triples (an instance of type "author"
and a property "name" of that instance with value "Aaron").

More generally, I feel that although a simpler, more intuitive syntax would
be a good idea, transforming *any* XML to "something like RDF" is somewhat
dangerous unless you make sure that any intended semantics is preserved.
Syntactic transformation is only half of the battle...


	- Ora

Ora Lassila, <>
Research Manager
Agent Technology, Nokia Research Center / Boston
+1 (781) 993-4603 (please note new email & phone number!)

Received on Thursday, 24 August 2000 16:42:14 UTC