Re: RDF syntax 'improvements'? - was RE: [Fwd: xmlns, uri+name pairs or just uris..? Clarification needed.]


[Thanks for the strawman!  Now we have something to pick on! :-)]

My first impression was that the proposed syntax is somewhat verbose.  Also,
using elements rather than attributes begs questions of the importance of
order and constraints on cardinality (0 objects okay?  2 objects okay?)

However, these are minor compared to the problem that not enough information
is preserved.  Every statement should include:

	* predicate (namespace URI and local name separately)
	* subject
	* subectType (global id, local id, URI pattern)
	* object
	* objectType (literal vs. reference vs. XML markup)
	* objectLang (xml:lang)
	* objectWhitespace (xml:space)


Received on Tuesday, 8 August 2000 14:36:04 UTC