Re: TR: Re: Constraining Containers - erratum

> >  I can't think of a good reason to allow both for a specific property.
> simplicity. As an RDF user, I would rather type
> <dc:Author> Pierre-Antoine </dc:Author>
> than
> <dc:Author> <rdf:Seq> <rdf:li> Pierre-Antoine </rdf:li> </rdf:Seq> 
> </dc:Author>
> just because someone pointed out
> that there MAY be more than one author !

It IS legal and ok to have repeated properties:

<Description about="book">
  <dc:Author>Pierre-Antoine </dc:Author>

It's ok if the property is designed to be used either as a repeated
property or with a container. The two variations are not exactly

In your example with the Seq, you don't say that you are a author. It is
the SEQUENCE that is the author. You happen to be a member of that
Sequence, but that doesn't make you an author.

On the other hand, in my version with the repeated properties, it is said
that you are a author.

That's why it's not all that bad if you have to choose how the predicate
is to be used.

Received on Tuesday, 25 April 2000 09:22:33 UTC