On Mon, 22 Nov 1999, Ron Daniel wrote:
> Sergey asks:
> > BTW: what's the deal with XML embedded in RDF anyway? Does anyone on
> > earth uses/needs this feature? I tried a Gedankenexperiment where I
> > imagined an RDF description containing XML literals with, say,
> > presentation markup in them, but I could not arrive at anything useful
> > having this combination.
> > 
> [Ron Daniel]  Here's one example to consider - a glossary.
> Each 'term' is a resource. It has a couple of properties - label
> and definition. Many definitions will have multiple paragraphs,
> so they need embedded <p> elements. Some labels (and definitions)
> may use specialized terminology and therefore need markup such
> as subscripts and superscripts. 

A similar example is that of Web annotations, commentaries, 'weblogs' etc.
Mostly these are pretty simple to handle in RDF, but a few applications
(eg. see, make good use
of embedded hyperlinks wthin the commentary text. More generally,
'document like' content as against 'data like' content. While the XML
markup could in principle be unfolded into a little web of RDF Seq
structures (to preserve ordering), or a linked list or similar, I expect
many apps will just treat the markup as datatyped content to be passed on
to XML/HTML  oriented components. Which raises question of what the URI
would be for such a datatype, and whether we look to the XML Structures or
XML data types spec for this...


Received on Monday, 22 November 1999 15:41:12 UTC