Re: XLink and XML Base W3C working drafts (fwd)

On Tue, Dec 21, 1999 at 11:48:49AM +0000, Dan Brickley wrote:
> See appendix for a first take at RDF/XLink mapping...

  I drafted it with some help from Ralph Swick but it's definitely
not a good mapping, I would be very grateful if people from the 
RDF Interest list could suggest a better one. Ora Lassila suggested
using some reification around the main Source -> Target relations
to add all the links related metadata. That seems a good starting 
point toward a nice mapping. It would be good if the result would not
seem awkward as a base to express RDFs constructs in terms of XLinks.
  I have the sense (and it seems I'm not the only one :-) that a
bidirectionnal mapping is possible, I would definitely feel better if
this turned out to be true !

    any taker ?


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