Re: Meaning of RDF:Statement

Dan Brickley wrote:
> Recap...
> First reading: statements with same subject/predicate/object occur many
> times, for the various belief and disbelief scenarios in which they
> occur[*]

> Second reading: identity condition for statements is having the same
> subject/predicate/object. There's really only one statement resource for
> each state-able triple -- if we use a variety of URIs instead of one
> that's a pragmatic hack rather than recognition that there are multiple
> statements.

I would call that a FACT more than a STATEMENT ;
I read in the word 'statement' the action of 'stating',
that's why I'm rather pro first-reading...

Though, even if reified statements have unique identifiers only based on their s/p/o,
we could easily add a level with a Class of resources like "Stating" and an appropriate link to the correpsondong statement.

  [Stating]  <--type-+[local-URI]--states--> [unique-URI]+-type--> [Statement]
  "12/13/99" <--date-+                                   +-subject--> [...]
"champin" <--author--'                                   +-object--> [...]
                                                         `-predicate--> [...]

Such a dichotomty between the unique universal "statement"
and each local "stating" might be useful ;

Since, this is clearly not the way it is recommanded in RDF M&S :
properties like "author" are directly attached to the Statement resources
which is therefore considered emminently local.


Received on Monday, 13 December 1999 07:48:48 UTC