Re: SKOS & SIMILE, concepts, terms, URIs, mappings

Miles, AJ (Alistair) wrote:

> Thesaurus A has a concept ...
> conceptA
> 	a	skos:Concept;
> 	skos:inScheme		thesaurusA;
> 	skos:prefLabel	'Primary health care';
> 	skos:altLabel		'General Practise (NHS)';     
> 	skos:altLabel		'GP services';     
> 	skos:altLabel		'Health centres (NHS)';     
> 	skos:altLabel		'NHS Direct';
>     	skos:altLabel		'Maternity services'.			
> Thesaurus B has a concept ...
> conceptB
> 	a	skos:Concept;
> 	skos:inScheme		thesaurusB;
> 	skos:prefLabel	'Maternity services'.
> Now although there is a label shared between these two concepts, it is
> obvious that concept A is broader in meaning than concept B.  So although a
> common label suggests that some mapping can be defined, the exact nature of
> that mapping cannot be defined without considering the complete intended
> meaning of each concept.
> In this case, the appropriate mapping would be ...
> conceptA
> 	skos-map:narrowMapping	conceptB.
> conceptB	
> 	skos-map:broadMapping		conceptA.
> [3] has further examples.

If I understood you correctly, you are suggesting that we identify 
'concepts' with URIs that do not contain anything to do with the actual 
literal that is used to describe them in a particular context.

So, something like

instead of

is that correct?


Received on Thursday, 22 April 2004 04:30:02 UTC