future simile teleconference logistics


From: mark-h.butler@hp.com
Subject: PI Calls
Date: April 8, 2004 6:00:51 AM EDT

W3C has granted the SIMILE project access to their teleconferencing  
infrastructure for our regularly scheduled PI calls:

11:00am-12:30pm/15:00-16:30 UTC
Zakim Bridge +1.617.761.6200, conference 7464 ("SIMI")
10 participants

(Please note however the cost of using the bridge wasn't originally  
included in W3C's budget for SIMILE.)

eric miller                              http://www.w3.org/people/em/
semantic web activity lead               http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/
w3c world wide web consortium            http://www.w3.org/

Received on Monday, 12 April 2004 15:23:41 UTC