SIMILE PI phone conference, 12-Sep-03 1200 EDT/1700 BST

SIMILE PI phone conference, 12-Sep-03 1200 EDT/1700 BST

866-639-4752 or +1-574-935-6705
PIN: 2536617

1/ Update on progress on getting corpus data
   (MacKenzie Smith, Eric Miller)

2/ Report back on Jason Kinnear's presentation of History Store
   Overview (Rob Tansley)
   Exporting DSpace Corpus to RDF / Joseki (Rob Tansley, David Karger)

3/ Coordination of Haystack / Jena / Joseki work
   (David Karger, Andy Seaborne)

4/ Any further comments on IMS / VRA presentation last week

5/ Any further comments on search and browse UI survey last week

6/ Any other business

Dr Mark H. Butler
Research Scientist                HP Labs Bristol

Received on Friday, 12 September 2003 10:32:41 UTC