FW: schema visualization tools


-----Original Message-----
From: Karun Bakshi [mailto:karunb@ai.mit.edu]
Sent: 23 October 2003 16:58
To: Mark_Butler@hplb.hpl.hp.com
Subject: RE: [Mark_Butler@hplb.hpl.hp.com: schema visualization tools]

Hi Dr. Butler,
  My name is Karun Bakshi and I am one of Prof. Karger's students.
Earlier, over the summer, I wrote a quick ontology browser to help us
visualize the ontologies in Haystack, and in fact, to find out where the
ontologies were incomplete or not fully documented.  If you have
haystack, you can access it by going to "Starting Points" and selecting
"Browse or look for something."  This will bring up several choices, one
among them being, "Browse Ontologies." 

As you can tell by looking, the ontologies are sparsely documented -
exactly the reason I wrote the browser so we would know what needs to be
updated. I'm not sure what your needs are, but I'd be happy to answer
any questions.  Also, you can call me at 617-452-2832.



Received on Thursday, 23 October 2003 13:28:45 UTC