Re: XSLT stylesheets

Thans for the instant tutorial; I'll use that.

Butler, Mark wrote:

>Hi Kevin,
>At the SIMILE-core telecon you were after sources of information about XSLT.
>The obvious source is Michael Kay's book publishe by Wrox Press titled
>"XSLT: Programmers Reference". I also found a series of articles published
>by on XSLT very helpful - see
>Beware XSLT 2.0 has changed since the 2002 articles so they are slightly
>One the phone, you said you were struggling to convert XML elements to
>references? I'm guessing you mean you want to convert something like this
>	<topic>thetopicterm</topic>
>to this
>	<topic>
>		<rdf:Description
>			<rdfs:label>thetopicterm</rdfs:label>
>	</topic>
>then you can use some XSLT like this:
><xsl:template match="MyObject">
>		<MyObject>
>			<xsl:if test="not(normalize-space(./topic)='')">
>				<topic>
>					<rdf:Description>
>						<xsl:attribute
>						<rdfs:label><xsl:value-of
>					</rdf:Description>
>				</topic>
>			</xsl:if>
>		</MyObject>
>Although note you need to define namespace at the top using an entity
>definition e.g.
><!ENTITY namespace 		'http:/'>
>Any questions please let me know?
>Dr Mark H. Butler
>Research Scientist                HP Labs Bristol

   Kevin Smathers          
   Palo Alto Research Lab                                 
   1501 Page Mill Rd.            650-857-4477 work        
   M/S 1135                      650-852-8186 fax         
   Palo Alto, CA 94304           510-247-1031 home        
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