dealing with mixed mode elements in XML CIDOC data

Hi team

I've been taking a look at some sample CIDOC data but there seem to be some
mismatches here between the XML data examples and the RDFS schema for CIDOC.
For example here is an extract of some CIDOC data:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
	<CRM_Entity>85/1002 Textile lengths
    		<in_class>E22: Man-Made Object</in_class>
       	 Textile length, batik, silk, Lena Pwerle/Utopia Batik Program,
Ngkwarlerlaneme camp, Utopia,  Northern Territory, Australia, 1984-1985
			<has_type> Statement
				<in_class>E55: Type</in_class>

It's not clear to me at the moment how to deal with mixed-mode nested
elements. One way of representing this in RDF (written as N3) is

# Base: file:///C:/jcvs/simile4/simile/corpus/cidoc/cidoc.rdf
@prefix rdf:     <> .
@prefix :        <> .

      a       <
Object> ;
              [ <>
                        "Statement" ;
                :text   "Textile length, batik, silk, Lena Pwerle/Utopia
Batik Program, Ngkwarlerlaneme camp, Utopia, Northern Territory, Australia,
              ] ;

Sorry about the formatting, I don't know why Jena isn't abbreviating the
elements, I think it is due to the use of "." in the names. This is copied
from the CIDOC RDFS schema - Andy is this legal?

However one reason the representation above may not be correct is in the
CIDOC RDFS schema it says that cidoc:P3F.has_note has range
cidoc:E1.CRM_Entity and domain rdf:Literal. This means that using a bNode in
order to tie the cidoc:E55.Type and the literal value together as I've done
above wasn't what was intended - any ideas or comments?

thanks in advance

Dr Mark H. Butler
Research Scientist                HP Labs Bristol

Received on Thursday, 16 October 2003 10:56:54 UTC