Re: VRA, RDF, MyLibrary, and uPortal

On 11/25/03 6:28 AM, "Butler, Mark" <> wrote:

> 1) in librarians.rdf, most of the objects have the same URI so these objects
> will be merged when you de-serialize the model i.e. you will have an object
> like this...

Your analysis is thorough and your criticism is constructive. Thank you. The
sample RDF data and scripts I pointed you to are out of date; they are not
the data and scripts we are using to do our syndication. I will forward your
note along to one of my developers and he will receive it in the manner it
was intended. I like the idea of VCard a lot. Nice.

Again, thank you.

Eric Lease Morgan
University Libraries of Notre Dame

Received on Tuesday, 25 November 2003 08:07:36 UTC