RE: DSpace History White Paper - Comment Deadline

It might be appropriate to cover it in a SIMILE teleconference but they are
on Thursday's.
Does The History system use Joseki "fetch"?  I had expected that the right
way to naviage the RDF graph was to do and RDQL query to find the resources
of interest then to do a "fetch" to extract the information needed (with a
History store specific fetch handler because of the URNs, not bnodes,
creating the structuring).  From what I can gather, information extraction
is done with RDQL as well which is OK but only if there is no optional
information - it would not allow extension-by-annotation.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Kinner [] 
Sent: 21 November 2003 13:17
Subject: DSpace History White Paper - Comment Deadline

All -


If you have any comments on the DSpace history white paper, could you please
get them to me by noon EST on Monday?






Received on Friday, 21 November 2003 09:09:33 UTC