Fwd: VRA Schema from UCAI


Here is the VRA schema created by the UCAI project at UCSD
http://gort.ucsd.edu/ucai/ in the form of Esme Cowles, the
programmer who's working on the project, for the metadata
which we have via ARTStor. Esme would like feedback on the
schema, as he explains, and is willing to consult with us on
RDF mapping decisions and data normalization issues (which
he has a lot of practical experience with).


>Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2003 07:36:43 -0800
>Subject: VRA Schema
>From: Esme Cowles <escowles@ucsd.edu>
>To: kenzie@mit.edu
>Here's the schema I've been working on for VRA.  I've tried to be pretty 
>thorough in my comments to point to the relevant docs, and what extensions 
>to the published standard I thought were really necessary to have a useful 
>Feel free to share this with anyone who's interested -- we'd like to know 
>about any major problems before we get too far into building our new tools 
>around it.

MacKenzie Smith
Associate Director for Technology
MIT Libraries
Building 14S-208
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA  02139

Received on Thursday, 20 November 2003 11:37:30 UTC