SIMILE PI phone conference, 19-Nov-03 1100 EDT/1600 BST

SIMILE PI phone conference, 19-Oct-03 1100 EDT/1600 BST
866-639-4752 or +1-574-935-6705
PIN: 2536617


1/ Discussion about unretrievable HTTP URIs
   (Andy, David)
   What solution should we use for the demo and what 
   is the long term solution?

2/ Discussion of issues arising from position papers
   We propose to put together a short list of issues 
   before the call tomorrow arising from the position 
   papers - suggestions from the team are welcome.
   For example one important issue here is: 
   - David Karger's demo stage 1 vs demo stage 0. 

3/ Next steps on data analysis
   (Mark, Kevin)
   We need to do data analysis to come up with 
   examples for the demo script. 
   We've already done some data analysis looking at overlaps
   What are the next steps? Who is going to do this?

4/ AOB

(Also apologies - I said I would have a new revision for the demo script
done before the PI call. I have not been able to complete it yet, and I
would be grateful for some help on data analysis hence item 3)

Dr Mark H. Butler
Research Scientist                HP Labs Bristol

Received on Wednesday, 19 November 2003 14:03:28 UTC