RE: Best practices using URIs

Hi Nick

> > identifying a metadata object:
> > 
> <
>       a       art:MediaFile ;

> What is this item?  If it is indeed a file in the JPEG format, than I
> would suggest using an MD5-hash of the file as as URN.  If it is a record
> relating to a jpeg file, than I would suggest it be given some URN
> that might be stable. That is, if the XML->RDF transform were run a second
> time, it would be nice for the same URI to be given to the same entity,
> even if extraneous parts of the XML were modified.

Unfortunately we don't have the original jpg, so we can't use an MD5-hash,
although I take your point that it would be desirable to do so if we did.
The XML->RDF transform will give the same URI to the property, even if it is
run a second time. 

Dr Mark H. Butler
Research Scientist                HP Labs Bristol

Received on Monday, 10 November 2003 13:52:07 UTC