Re: FW: SIMILE work

They certainly have a beautiful faceted search.  Do you think Mick would 
let us buy a copy for help as a visualization tool?

Butler, Mark wrote:

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Bradley P. Allen []
>Sent: 05 November 2003 14:47
>To: Butler, Mark
>Cc: Bradley Allen
>Subject: RE: SIMILE work
>Mark- I've been following the work you and the SIMILE team have been doing
>on the public list with interest. The is a great deal of commonality with
>the experience we've been having here at Siderean on the wrangling of
>metadata into RDF and the use of our Seamark platform to support faceted
>search over the integrated data.
>Since you have been using Seamark as an example of faceted search/browse,
>you and your team might find some recent examples of what we've been doing
>of interest as well:
>- The 2003 Dublin Core Conference online proceedings, with links to the
>source RDF(S):
>- About half of the learning objects in the Gateway to Educational Materials
>- A much larger chunk of Medline documents than in the official site demo,
>with all of MeSH added in:
>- WordNet 1.7:
>- Library of Congress TGM-I and TGM-II:
>- CIDOC CRM cleaned up a bit and viewable by properties
> and
>- For good measure, the SIMILE research drivers issues database:
>It occurs to me that, technically speaking, it should be a simple matter to
>bring your corpora up in Seamark, as further grist for your demo mill. I
>would guess that generating at least initial versions of the viewer
>applications you describe below would take on the order of a day or less. I
>realize that organizational and data licensing issues will probably make
>that impractical, but I thought I'd make the offer, for what it's worth. It
>would be an interesting experiment.
>In any case, I look forward to the time when we might be able to meet up and
>discuss matters of mutual interest. - cheers, BPA
>Bradley P. Allen
>Siderean Software LLC
>5155 West Rosecrans Avenue, Suite 1078
>Los Angeles, CA 90250
>Phone +1 310 491-3424
>Fax +1 310 379-0231

   Kevin Smathers          
   Palo Alto Research Lab                                 
   1501 Page Mill Rd.            650-857-4477 work        
   M/S 1135                      650-852-8186 fax         
   Palo Alto, CA 94304           510-247-1031 home        
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