ArtStor image overlaps with OCW

Hi all,

After a pretty thorough search, I find only a single overlap between 
ArtStor and OCW for actual resources, which is the Francisco Goya 

Looking through the OCW web site the course 4.651 has numerous overlaps 
with ArtStor, but seemingly no images in the OCW version of the course, 
and thus I suspect no metadata for those artworks although they are 
mentioned in the lecture notes.  Perhaps MacKenzie can suggest another 
course that might have some overlaps with ArtStor.


   Kevin Smathers          
   Palo Alto Research Lab                                 
   1501 Page Mill Rd.            650-857-4477 work        
   M/S 1135                      650-852-8186 fax         
   Palo Alto, CA 94304           510-247-1031 home        
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Received on Monday, 3 November 2003 17:36:03 UTC