FW: [Participants] SIMILE and DSpace materials available

Find below links to presentation materials for SIMILE and DSpace at OSCOM3, Cambridge.

These are drawn directly from materials in the original proposal and our recent documents (Research Drivers, and Prototype Strawman), so my hope is there's nothing there that wanders far from a consensus view :)

Feedback is welcome.

- Mick

-----Original Message-----
From: Bass, Mick [mailto:mick.bass@hp.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2003 5:54 PM
To: participants@oscom.org
Subject: [Participants] SIMILE and DSpace materials available

Hello all,

I have posted presentation materials [1] for tomorrow's talk [2] on SIMILE [3] and DSpace [4].  Richard Rogers, MIT's Dspace Federation project manager, and I look forward to the discussion.


- Mick Bass
  HP Labs

[1] OSCOM3 Presentation Materials - SIMILE and DSpace http://web.mit.edu/simile/www/resources/oscom3/simile-overview.pdf

Or http://web.mit.edu/simile/www/resources/oscom3/src/dspace-overview.ppt

[2] SIMILE: Extending DSpace for metadata and service interoperability using RDF and the Semantic Web http://oscom.org/Conferences/Cambridge/Proposals/bass_simile_dspace.html

[3] SIMILE Project

[4] DSpace Project

Mick Bass

Research and Business Development
HP Laboratories
Hewlett-Packard Company
1 Cambridge Center
Cambridge, MA 02142

617.551.7634 office    617.551.7650 fax
617.899.3938 mobile    617.627.9694 residence
bass@alum.mit.edu      mick_bass@hp.com
Participants mailing list
Participants@oscom.org http://lists.oscom.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/participants

Received on Wednesday, 28 May 2003 18:01:37 UTC