RE: Representing distinct item states

OK, I finally caught up on this thread (only a week behind -- not so
bad) and here are a couple of gentle reality checks for you all to
consider. I also realize this is coming too late for the current
descriptive note, but that's ok.

I think we have to remember what it is we're using this here
History system for. It's the content, not the metadata (and don't
tell me that metadata is content -- you know what I mean).

-- No one who actually manages archives expects to track
changes to the metadata over time. In traditional library/information
management systems we keep logs around to track metadata
changes temporarily, but it's just not considered important to the
core mission of managing the *content* over time... as you've all
noted, schemas change, contexts change, resources get
described in myriad ways (all at the same time), people make
mistakes, fix them, we add stuff, we remove stuff, and so what.

I also think it's very unlikely that systems like Haystack would
really want access to History data. It's really hard to imagine a
case where that would be interesting, except to a curator, who
will presumably have other tools to query the data.

-- So I think Rob's right -- we need some use cases for our use
case. I'm going to start poking around the archivists to see what
kinds of information they track over time about the analog resources
they're managing now. I suspect it's quite minimal -- you need to
know if a thing (manifestation, edition, pick your favorite ontology)
has been copied, changed, reformatted, etc., when, how, and by

The only reason to store metadata in the History system at all
is to know what you're looking at when you're examining the
provenance of a piece of content. It would be nice if that metadata
were current and correct, but it doesn't seem that critical.

And what will you do if there are three or four metadata records
(i.e. items) describing the same bitstream(s)? Something we know
is going to happen over time, as content gets reused and

To recap: it's not the metadata we're stewarding and preserving
here, it's the content, which happens to have some useful
metadata associated with it to allow users discover it, and
manages to manage it.

Apologies again for the late reply,


MacKenzie Smith
Associate Director for Technology
MIT Libraries
Building 14S-208
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA  02139

Received on Monday, 26 May 2003 22:15:34 UTC