Re: Issue 61: Why is metadata annotation a special case?

Well I think of it as a separate thing, even if it wouldn't change our method
of representing descriptive metadata... I guess because I assume that
annotations won't conform to known schemas, but would be sort of
"free-floating" metadata that gets attached to some other metadata.
And since it's an important function, I'd like to keep it around (maybe
another prototype?).


At 05:33 PM 5/22/2003 +0100, Butler, Mark wrote:

>Mick, team
>Any comments on this and metadata annotation? Should we keep it or subsume
>it into one of the other definitions?
>[ 061. ]
>Summary: Section 2.3 Why is metadata annotation a special case?
>Raised By: David Hunyh
>Status: open
>We would like to be able to support arbitrary, ad hoc annotations to
>metadata schemas and instance metadata. These could be supplied by
>information consumers directly, by external domain experts, by collections
>managers, or by automated techniques such as collection data mining. [I'm
>sure why this can't be a special case of something else.]

MacKenzie Smith
Associate Director for Technology
MIT Libraries
Building 14S-208
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA  02139

Received on Friday, 23 May 2003 13:13:43 UTC