RE: issue 71: research funnel diagram is confusing

I think Nick's suggestion is to augment the diagram with some text describing and relating its components, rather than to replace the diagram with text.  Nick, have I got that right?

I'm happy to have a go at doing so.

- Mick

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Butler, Mark [] 
> Sent: Thursday, May 22, 2003 12:28 PM
> To: (
> Subject: issue 71: research funnel diagram is confusing
> Mick, Nick
> Mick is the originator of the research funnel diagram, which 
> I then took and put in a slightly different form. So Mick any 
> comments on this? Should I replace the diagram with text as Nick says?
> Summary: Research Funnel diagram is confusing
> Raised By: Nick Matsakis
> Status: open
> Description: 
> My only other comment on this section is that I find the 
> research funnel diagram in 2.2 confusing. A brief text 
> description of each component and its relation to the others 
> might suffice.
> Dr Mark H. Butler
> Research Scientist                HP Labs Bristol
> Internet:

Received on Thursday, 22 May 2003 12:39:03 UTC