Re: Proposed date for CNRI labs visit...

John S. Erickson wrote:

>Hi folks!
>Regarding the CNRI visit to HPLabs-Cambridge that I mentioned on Friday, I am
>proposing 12 June; Larry and Christophe would arrive before dinner on 11 June.
>I'd like feedback on this date...Thanks!
>| John S. Erickson, Ph.D.
>| Hewlett-Packard Labs
>| Norwich, Vermont USA
That should work fine for me.

   Kevin Smathers          
   Palo Alto Research Lab                                 
   1501 Page Mill Rd.            650-857-4477 work        
   M/S 1135                      650-852-8186 fax         
   Palo Alto, CA 94304           510-247-1031 home        
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Received on Thursday, 22 May 2003 10:19:20 UTC