RE: Representing distinct item states

By using "sameIndividualAs", I was hoping to make explicit that the current
version of X is X, version Y.  In other words, you can follow the
"sameIndividualAs" arc at any time to determine the current revision of a
particular item.

Perhaps there should be a sub-property of hasModification and of
sameIndividualAs that is currentModification?


-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Reynolds []
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2003 8:35 AM
To: Butler, Mark
Cc: 'Jason Kinner'; www-rdf-dspace
Subject: Re: Representing distinct item states

"Butler, Mark" wrote:
> > hdl:1271.1/5678 ----- owl:sameIndividualAs ----->
> > hdl:1271.1/5678;2 (the
> > current revision)
> I'm not sure about this. I interpret the formal semantics of
> sameIndividualAs as meaning they are literally the same, so if you queried
> what is dc:title of hdl:1271.1/5678 you'd now get "My Super Researck
> and "My Super Research Paper". I don't think you want that - you want to
> indicate they are related but separate.

You are correct, the semantics of sameIndividualAs, as specified in the OWL
semantics document, is that the two URIs denote the same individual. Thus
of the dc:titles will be attached to both of the resources indicated by the

> Having said that, I may be wrong because I re-read OWL documentation but
> didn't help:
> s

The third and fifth of these define this semantics.

> My guess is you need to do something like this
> although again I think I'd query it with the OWL folks first:
> dcq:modificationOf -- rdf:type --> owl:ObjectProperty
> dcq:modificationOf --> rdfs:range --> owl:Thing
> dcq:modificationOf --> rdfs:domain --> owl:Thing
> dcq:modificationOf -- rdfs:subPropertyOf --> owl:sameIndividualAs
> dcq:modificationOf -- rdf:type --> owl:SymmetricProperty

I suspect you mean:

  owl:sameIndividualAs -- rdfs:subPropertyOf --> dcq:modificationOf

But, in any case, I'm not sure this gives you much beyond the dcq:isReplaced
property you already have.


Received on Monday, 19 May 2003 09:13:15 UTC