Use of www-rdf-dspace for comments re: early draft note, DSpace H istory System

One of the implementation efforts underway within SIMILE aims to improve the current implementation of the DSpace History System.  The DSpace History System produces RDF that is intended to usefully describe the temporal history of significant events and changes to the state of archived materials (content and metadata).  See the statement of work [1].

An *initial, early draft* of the first deliverable indicated in the
statement of work is available [2]:
	"Review the output of the DSpace history system
	 and write a research note that enumerates and describes
	 the known issues with the RDF that it produces."
Please bear in mind that this document is an early stage initial draft.

I have requested comments from several individuals on behalf of the author, and propose to use this list as a vehicle to collect such comments (for referenceability and archival).  The purpose of this note is to establish a thread for these comments, and to offer a heads up to the wider community that observes this list.

- Mick Bass


Mick Bass

Research and Business Development
HP Laboratories
Hewlett-Packard Company
1 Cambridge Center
Cambridge, MA 02142

617.551.7634 office    617.551.7650 fax
617.899.3938 mobile    617.627.9694 residence

Received on Wednesday, 7 May 2003 10:47:49 UTC