RE: ungetable http URIs

-------- Original Message --------
> From: David R. Karger <>
> Date: 4 December 2003 19:13
> I wouldn't restrict "gettability" to things with bits.  And even if
> the thing is bits, I wouldn't _require_ that GETs return those bits.
> I would be satisfied if all gettable URLs provided _some useful_
> information about the named object, without worrying whether it is
> complete.

I agree - GET returns a representation of a web resource.  It is not
contracted to return a copy of the resource (the resouirce need not be
bits).  A "representation" is stronger than saying "some useful information"
as it is assumed to be useful as the resource in the web context.  In RDF, a

      <url> :hasSize "2056 bytes"  .

can not be applied to a person.


>    X-Original-To:
>    Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2003 12:16:40 -0500 (EST)
>    From: Nick Matsakis <>
>    X-X-Sender:
>    Cc: SIMILE public list <>
>    X-Archived-At:
> X-Mailing-List: <> archive/latest/832 X-Loop:
> X-LocalTest: Local Origin   
>    On Fri, 21 Nov 2003, Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
>    > If I got to vote, I would vote +1 for "getable" URIs because I
>    think > that they don't add complexity, they are consistent with the
>    general > XML movement, and they are potentially more valuable in
> the future. 
>    If I got to vote, I would say 'getable' URIs should be assigned to
>    things that can be expressed as bits, or things that are elements of
>    RDF schemas (e.g. if you come across something with an RDF type you
>    don't recognize, it would be nice if there was a schema saying
>    something that type at a conveniently retrivable URL).
>    I think things that don't meet those requirements should get
>    ungetable URIs.
>    Nick

Received on Friday, 5 December 2003 09:23:40 UTC